Click on the photo to see and read more about the project.
Anissa recently came out as non-binary. They are still exploring how they want to identify themselves. Ideally, they would prefer to have a lower body resembling that of a Barbie.
Marjolein is ill, both physically and mentally. When she is almost 18, she writes a letter in desperation to the State Secretary for Health. In it, she speaks openly about her conditions and the fact that she is suicidal.
Ik woon in een witte gemeente, maar ik voel me als sinds mijn jeugd betrokken bij de zwarte gemeenschap. Mijn vriendengroep bestond voor meer dan de helft uit jongeren met een andere afkomst / huidskleur dan ik.
The Dutch Don’t Dance Division is a vibrant, young dance company led by Thom Stuart and Rinus Sprong. This year marks their 25th anniversary, and in celebration, they have created a stunning dance performance titled Jubilee. After nearly two years without live performances, they can finally return to the stage.