She has exhibited in Amsterdam and Paris, but doing so in Bovenkarspel feels particularly nerve-wracking. Still, it was time to take the plunge, so photographer Monique Belier is showcasing her work this weekend at the Meisjesschool.
Het Parool published about my exhibition ‘Inner movement’ at atelier K84 in Amsterdam. The exhibition runs from July 12 till Sept. 7.
Monique Belier seeks those fleeting moments in the transition between movements when dancers are unaware of their actions. In one of her bass-colored commentaries on otherwise empty pages. "Where the Spirit Meets the Bone." The title, inspired by a poem from the late American poet Miller Williams,
I couldn't be prouder to discover that my book made it to Robin Titchener's Best Photo Books of 2023 list. These lists are published annually on the Photobook Store UK website. I couldn't have asked for a better end to the year.
Isabel Hernandez from the Dark Room Session Newsletter, wrote about my work. you can click on the link (button) to go to the newsletter.
My work in spoken word on Spotify.
I felt very honored when Isabel from Audioteca Fotográfica asked me if she could include my work into the Photographic Audio Library in Spain.
I was very pleased that Safelight Paper wanted to publish my work. If you click on the link, you can read the whole article.
English translation of the article: In this exhibition, which is composed of photographs from her graduation project, Belier focuses on the body as a means to express thoughts and feelings,
I got selected for FRESH EYES 2023 International talent by GUP and that means you got featured in one of the books and being part of a group exhibition in Amsterdam.
Being published among a select group of photographers from different corners of the globe was a true honor.
Alex Prior, Artist and Photo book reviewer wrote about my work after sending him a copy of ‘Where the spirit meets the bone’.
I tried to translate it in Dutch below.
Just before I graduated from the Photo Academy I had this beautiful, large publication in the Magazine!
For an interview in Playboy with André Dongelmans (Dutch Actor, Artist) They used a Portrait I took for my project: Small Town Boy.
Elke maand portretteert fotograaf en auteur Monique Belier iemand uit West-Friesland. Dit keer Arno Riemens (51)
Afgelopen maand ben ik geïnterviewd voor de Zomerbijlage van het Noord Hollands Dagblad. Toen ik werd gebeld, dacht ik dat het zou gaan om mijn laatste gepubliceerde project, ‘Small Town Boy’,
Wat ben ik blij en trots op de publicatie van ‘Small Town Boy’ in een grote landelijke krant. Verhalen die verteld zijn om gelezen te worden! De foto’s, stukjes uit de verhalen en een interview. Online en het NRC van 7 april 2021